This bumper story covers all the logistical details you need before booking your airline, bus, ferry, or car travel to Patagonia. I love getting into the details of travel.
The region of Patagonia is located in the south of Chile and Argentina, on the very tip of South America.
You can actually travel to Patagonia by flying from Santiago to Puerto Montt for as little as $15,000 CLP ($23 USD) one-way.
Skyscanner is a good place to check the current Patagonia travel costs and compare airlines.
To travel to Chilean Patagonia, you will need to fly from Santiago. In some cases, there are also flights from Puerto Montt to Punta Arenas.
Puerto Natales (PNT) - They start from around $80,000 CLP ($126 USD) one-way.
- Use Skyscanner - Hopper - Sign up to get deals with the airlines - Bring less luggage