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Graham Minser

A dedicated world nomad, Graham has called over a dozen countries home in the past decade. Despite being a native of Wisconsin in the United States, he has spent nearly half his life away from his hometown.

He’s had the privilege of living in Colombia, Peru, and Chile in South America, and plans to see more of the continent in the future.

A teacher of English and history, he dedicates his free time to reading, writing, music, and sports.

He can be found wandering around ruins and old city centers, seeking out local cuisine, persevering through public transport, or playing in a local football match.

The 31 Best Things to Do in Santiago, Chile: An Expert Guide

As the sun rises over the Andes, the pastel-colored buildings in Bellavista and Barrio Italia are illuminated by the rising sun as the city comes …

Read More about The 31 Best Things to Do in Santiago, Chile: An Expert Guide